Fall 2018 Grantees

Storm Lake Trap

Project Title Team Trailer
Grant Number 2018-F-02
Total Project Cost $1,875.00
Awarded Amount $1,875.00
Final Report Accepted

Sioux Rapids Historical

Project Title Lighting for Theatre
Grant Number 2018F-03
Total Project Cost $1,960.00
Awarded Amount $1,960.00
Final Report Accepted

Alta Elementary School

Project Title Playground
Grant Number 2018F-04
Total Project Cost $11,000.00
Awarded Amount $5,000.00
Pending Final Report Submission

Newell Police

Project Title In Truck Computer
Grant Number 2018F-05
Total Project Cost $6,860.00
Awarded Amount $3,430.00
Final Report Accepted

Laurens Marathon Schools

Project Title 3D Printing
Grant Number 2018F-06
Total Project Cost $5,785.66
Awarded Amount $2,893.00
Pending Final Report Submission

Sioux Rapids Fire

Project Title Breathing Air Cylinders
Grant Number 2018F-11
Total Project Cost $19,480.00
Awarded Amount $9,740.00
Pending Final Report Submission

Ready, Set, Grow

Project Title Expansion
Grant Number 2018F-11
Total Project Cost $50,080.40
Awarded Amount $25,000.00

Money Returned to Foundation

Final Report Accepted

Storm Lake Police

Project Title K9
Grant Number 2018F-13
Total Project Cost $21,875.00
Awarded Amount $8,375.00
Final Report Accepted

BVCCF received a total of 15 applications (3 small, 6 medium, 6 large). The total amount requested was $115,439.00 which would leverage $263,529.18 in total project costs.